

This is a reflective post that has nothing to do with the band. Sorry all. Recently I have been thinking about the word 'journey.' I think that it is one of my favorite words. It is a word of action. It is a word that describes my life. I am on a journey. I started out being born and physically, mentally and spiritually I am progressing through life. I don't really have a choice about this, but I think that is a neat thing.

No matter what I do, I am either moving forward or backward. Every action or lack of action impacts the life that I am living. There is progress that can be lost or gained and the lost can be made back up. And there are all kinds of little journeys that make up the big journey.

This journey over here in Germany is part of that big journey. It feels like the primary journey right now, but it is just part of life affecting the big journey that I am on as I grow in life, age and hopefully grow in God. That I guess is the whole point of the journey. How I grow in my relationship with the amazing figure of Jesus as God and learning how to glorify the one that sacrificed so much for me.


A hard time of the year

Hey everyone,
It is December 24th and I am sitting in beautiful Germany. And it is hard. I don't know why, but this year is harder than last. I miss my family and friends more than last year. It is harder being away. So if you wouldn't mind, just please pray for me.

And I pray that you enjoy the season with family and friends and find a time to sincerely thank God for his incredible gift.

"Don't be afraid. I'm here to announce a great and joyful event that is meant for everybody, worldwide: A Savior has just been born in David's town, a Savior who is Messiah and Master. This is what you're to look for: a baby wrapped in a blanket and lying in a manger."...Luke 2.12


Schon Weihnachten

What's happening around here? Well over the last week we have been quite busy. With the break coming so soon(this Friday), things are wrapping up. Last Wednesday were all of the parties for the small groups. Gift exchanges, scavenger hunts and many other crazy activities were carried out by small group members.

Thursday was Kandern's Christmas market and BFA offered some entertainment. A mime and all kinds of music were performed by these very talented students.

Friday and Saturday were our first basketball home games of the year. One thing I can say is that although the results weren't necessarily what was hoped for, the guys and gals played hard and were good sports.

Sunday was a very busy day as the Christmas concert was in the afternoon and the dorm Christmas party was in the evening. The students had been practicing for the concert throughout the first semester and it showed as they did an excellent job. It was a short concert at about an hour, but filled with many good sounds and memories including a funny song about the "12 days after Christmas."

Sunday evening we prepared all kinds of wonderful food and sugary type things. We sat down for a wonderful meal and enjoyed eating many different assortments of things. Then we cleaned up and moved on to the gift exchange. Everyone brought a lot of laughter to our living room for the next hour. There were funny gifts and serious ones. In the end, everyone had a wonderful time.

This week brings exams and more exams. The guys start to leave at the end of the week and have expressed that they can't wait to get back and see their families. It will be good for them and a good break for us.