
Well, a first of a season

It snowed today. Really it has been flurrying for the past week, but last night and today it decided to pick up. Probably got about a couple to a few inches on the ground. Also broke the shovels out for the first time of the year. I shoveled for two hours and man do I hurt. We have a long driveway. I only got about half of it done then other people came out and helped. Yippee! Let it be known that it was not required, but I went out on my own free will. A wonderful surprise was some ladies from the dorm across the street bringing me a cookie and some hot chocolate. Very nice of them.

It looks beautiful and is nice to have a different start to the winter than last year. Right now it is about two months ahead of our first snow last year. I could be in for quite the winter. Anyway, just wanted to say 'Hi.'

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